Taylor Otwell created Laravel as an attempt to provide a more advanced alternative to the CodeIgniter framework, which did not provide certain features such as built-in support for user authentication and authorization. Laravel’s first beta release was made available on June 9, 2011, followed by the Laravel 1 release later in the same month. Laravel 1 includes built-in support for authentication, localisation, models, views, sessions, routing and other mechanisms, but lacks support forcontrollers that prevents it from being a true MVC framework
Laravel strives to make the entire PHP development experience delightful, including your local development environment. Vagrant provides a simple, elegant way to manage and provision Virtual Machines.
Laravel Homestead is an official, pre-packaged Vagrant “box” that provides you a wonderful development environment without requiring you to install PHP, HHVM, a web server, and any other server software on your local machine. No more worrying about messing up your operating system! Vagrant boxes are completely disposable. If something goes wrong, you can destroy and re-create the box in minutes!
Homestead runs on any Windows, Mac, or Linux system, and includes the Nginx web server, PHP 5.6, MySQL, Postgres, Redis, Memcached, Node, and all of the other goodies you need to develop amazing Laravel applications.
DOCC Kolkata, Call: 9433526196, Visit www.docckolkata.com
Web design started as a puzzle box emptied over a table with a lot of elements but no clue of what to do with those icons, boxes, which ones were the better colors to use, where did those icons had to be placed, what were the boxes for. First web designers had no idea about which one was the right way to go, however, things got better so now you can criticize all the effort and won battles during the last 20 years of web design. And well, they were able to design a website, 20 years ago, using only the initial browser experiments and lacking standards, styles, community and the PNG format ; ) (remember that GIF era), so, they deserve a huge and big thanks for bringing this web design .
1996 was the year that defined the beginning of a new era, and for many designers it was also a shameful period. Go no further, the first impression you have in a website might be sore eyes. What’s with the vibrant colors? websites with red, pink or yellow background can’t be watched for too long without compromising your eyes’ health. However, using a white background along with a few links and basic information is the correct way to start your site. Make it simple, there are tons of options besides Times New Roman or Courier New, the default system typos, and regarding color you can opt for more clever palettes instead of the dull black, blue and red interfaces. This stage also means abusive utilization of animated gifs that were supposed to make the website… fun and and interesting?, hehe the GIF era! This was also the era of the ‘Under Construction’ terror. People were not fully aware of how websites worked and therefore there was not a proper construction system established.interesting?, hehe the GIF era! This was also the era of the ‘Under Construction’ terror. People were not fully aware of how websites worked and therefore there was not a proper construction system established.
Call 9433526196, Visit
www.docckolkata.com for Web Design Training @ DOCC Kolkata.