Javascript , Typescript , React.js , node.js , angular js training
React.js, Node.js, AngularJS, JavaScript, and TypeScript are all popular programming languages and frameworks used in web development. React.js is a JavaScript library for building user interfaces. It allows developers to create reusable UI components and efficiently update the user interface as the application data changes. React.js is widely used in building single-page applications and mobile applications. Node.js is a server-side JavaScript runtime environment. It allows developers to run JavaScript on the server, which enables building fast and scalable web applications. Node.js is commonly used in building web servers, web applications, and real-time applications. AngularJS is a JavaScript framework for building dynamic web applications. It allows developers to create reusable UI components and efficiently manage data binding between the view and the model. AngularJS is widely used in building single-page applications and enterprise applications. JavaScript is a programming language used in web development. It allows developers to add interactivity to web pages and build dynamic web applications. JavaScript is commonly used alongside HTML and CSS to create modern web applications. TypeScript is a superset of JavaScript that adds optional static typing to the language. It allows developers to catch errors at compile time rather than runtime, which can lead to more reliable code. TypeScript is commonly used in large-scale web applications and enterprise applications. In summary, these programming languages and frameworks are essential tools for web developers, and each has its own strengths and use cases.