PYTHON AND AND ITS FRAMEWORK Django is a free and open source web application framework written in Python. A framework is nothing more than a collection of modules that make development easier. They are grouped together, and allow you to create applications or websites from an existing source, instead of from scratch. This is how websites – even simple ones designed by a single person – can still include advanced functionality like authentication support, management and admin panels, contact forms, comment boxes, file upload support, and more. In other words, if you were creating a website from scratch you would need to develop these components yourself. By using a framework instead, these components are already built, you just need to configure them properly to match your site. The Official Project Site describes Django as “a high-level Python Web framework that encourages rapid development and clean, pragmatic design. Built by experienced developers, it takes care of much of the hassle of Web development, so you can focus on writing your app without needing to reinvent the wheel. It’s free and open source.” Django offers a big collection of modules which you can use in your own projects. Primarily, frameworks exist to save developers a lot of wasted time and headaches and Django is no different. Django was created with front-end developers in mind. “Django’s template language is designed to feel comfortable and easy-to-learn to those used to working with HTML, like designers and front-end developers. But it is also flexible and highly extensible, allowing developers to augment the template language as needed.” If you’re going to be working with Python, especially for web applications or web design, you’ll want to remember the Django framework. It will certainly come in handy. CherryPy is another Python-based framework that is great to work with, although it is designed with the absolute minimalist in mind. It’s a framework you’ll want to explore after you already have some experience working with Python.

Python-Django-Macheine learning-AI Training and Placements by DOCC Kolkata. Call 9433526196

  The popularity of Java script grows every day. It’s definitely the best scripting language which allows creating exciting  interfaces and simplifies the development of web applications, being a perfect open source app development software and making the sites interactive and convenient to use. The Javascript web development frameworks are issued and updated daily and that’s why it is difficult at times to go with the tides and understand which famework is most suitable and best matching for the project. Before choosing a web app framework to apply the requirement  and needs of the project to be taken into consideration. The advantages of the frameworks Javascript  framework is a number of features and functions written in Javascript language and ready  for the usage of the developers. These features simplify the interaction between the app and server and speed up the manipulating of the web page or app elements. The main advantage of using a web application development  frameworks is the fact that it provides immediate reaction to the user interacting with the site immediately. The basic content of the traditional sites without frameworks is stored  on the server and any new content , which is necessary to be upload requires reloading of pages. When frameworks are used , only the necessary blocks of a website are reloaded. Some of the most advantageous benefits of the frameworks ‘usage:
  • COST: The cost of the app development for websites decreases due to the JavaScript frameworks because they are free and open source code.
  • Development speed: Java Script frameworks have good documentations. Some of the JavaScript frameworks are supported by such giant companies as Google etc. Due to such a lot of information, the speed of development increases.
  • Efficiency: The usage of the pre-created functions and templates allows to carry out the projects more effectively. The developers have to write less code, which results in delivering projects meeting higher standards and more quickly.
Most used and popular frameworks— JavaScript frameworks have now become one of the most preferred web app development platforms for modern single page apps, social networks, e-commerce products and other software solutions creation. At present, without using frameworks, the development of modern web products has become almost impossible. There are Some companies are still using classical Java Script software incurring higher development costs. As a consequence of classical JS complexity, lot of frameworks have appeared in the market, but the solid leadership in the software development market belongs to these three: Angular, React and Vue.   Angular Angular is a cross-platform framework which keeps to the  MVC architectural pattern and supports a weak link between the display, data and logic of the components( integral parts of the app).  Angular shifts a certain part of server services to the client side and consequently the server workload decreases and the web application becomes lighter. Due to Typescript the project code becomes clear , convenient for developer’s understanding and contains fewer errors. Angular strong points are remarkable documentations and references. One of the week points of Angular is the high learning curve for the projects because a JavaScript developer  should know for instance , Type Script to start working with framework. It consequently makes the project  fulfillment  more difficult, especially the work is passed from one team to another. Another drawback of the Angular framework is the frequent release on the new versions. The 8th one already released in June, 2019.   React.js React—is a java script library with open source code for user-interfaces development. For the first  time React was used in 2011in the face book newsfeed, then in 2012 in Instagram. React is still being developed and supported by  Face book and Instagram. It can be used not only for browser-based web apps but also for mobile apps. The aim of the framework is to provide high speed , simplicity and operability of the apps on various platforms. However, React is not a full-fledged Framework, but  a function library. To use it as a Framework, other third party libraries should be attached. React strengths are speed, lightweightness, cross-platform format  and big community. The weakness is the necessity to use third party libraries for complete work which complicates the development process. Another drawback of the library is that it does not follow the standards in HTML or CSS CODE AS Angular and Vue.js do.;   Vue.js Vue– is a progressive framework for user interfaces creation. Vue was made fit for gradual implementation  unlike Angular or React. It means progressive framework  gradually starting from certain pages, which makes the development much easier. The Vue.js creator is Even and You and the framework is widely used in Chinese companies. Not so long ago the repository management  GitLab also switched to Veu.js. Vue deals with presentations layer tasks in the first turn, it simplifies the integration with other libraries and existing projects. Vue coopted the best features of Angular and React- the speed and lightweightness and the possibility to support such technologies as Type Script and JSX. However along with this the Vue frame remained true to the principles of CSS and HTML code writing. It facilitates quick web application development and makes the processes of project development and support easier. Thus , for any developer who knows the basics of the front-end technologies will not be a problem to develop or support the projects on Vue. At present, a small community can be called a weak point of the Frame work as no big corporations support it.  Nevertheless, popularity of the framework grows every year.   What to choose? Every project is unique in its own way and  before starting the project detailed analysis and evaluation is required. However, there are certain key aspects, which help to choose a particular technology for development: Speed and simplicity of project development and support. The speed of the development depends on the technologies, already used in the projects. In case Type Script or JSC have already been applied then  Angular or React correspondingly needed. But in case the project from scratch, it’s better to choose Vue .js due to its compliance with standards. Trends: All the frameworks are popular and will keep the leadership in the modern development marketin the coming years. It will not be a mistake to choose any of them . However Vue is vigoursly gaining popularity, followed by React.   Mobility and Stability: Supposing  one framework is chosen and then decided to switch to another one and Vue. js is the best choice in this case because re-writing the projects on Angular or React will mean that the developers will most likely need to switch Type Script or JSX code to classical Java Script and HTML correspondingly. One more important aspect to consider is the frequency of Frameworks update. Angular has serious updates issued every 06 months, React approximately once in a year. Vue is more stable in this sese and has serious updates once in several  years. Java-Script-Angular-Node-React-Vue JS-Python-Django Training and placements by DOCC Kolkata. Visit / Call 9433526196              
Here are the top reasons to learn Python, if you are planning to start your career in Python. Python is simple and Easy to learn- It is very easy to code. Compared to other popular languages like Java and C++, it is easier to code in Python. It is programmer-friendly and t is dynamically-typed, it mandates indentation. This aids readability. Python in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning- Artificial Intelligence is the huge development in the tech world. It is the intelligence displayed by machines. this is the contrast to the natural intelligence displayed by humans & other animals. Different frameworks, libraries, and tools dedicated to let AI replace human efforts. AI gives us speech recognition systems, autonomous cars, and so on. Big Data- It has helped Big Data grow, its libraries allow us to analyze large amount of data across clusters. Networking- It also let us configure routers & switches, and let us perform other network automation tasks cost effectively. Python in Web Development- It has an array of frameworks for developing websites. Several frameworks for Python. Many of these were meant for web development. These were Django, Pylons, web2py, and Flask.Many websites such as bit bucket, Pinterest Instagram, are build on these frameworks only. Data Science This is the leading language of many data scientist. there are some libraries with Python that are used for data science journey. The important libraries that you mustn’t forgot if you want to go anywhere for Python with data science.   Community- It has a large community which wants to see it grow continuously. A large community also means availability of a large no. of libraries, modules and packages to help you with the project.   Career Opportunities- It opens a lot of doors . Python also finds use in cyber security. This is why Python is worth learning. Startups and Corporates- Python for Both- It is literally everywhere, be it a startup or a unicorn. Its perfect blend of uniqueness and flexibility make it a suitable choice for any project.t gets the best of both worlds. Giants like Disney, Google, and NASA are always on the lookout for talented Python professionals. Python-Mongo DB, Django, Machine learning Training by DOCC Kolkata. Call 9433526196                

Ethical Hacking and what it is?

Ethical hacking , often performed by white hats or skilled computer experts, is the use of programming skills to determine vulnerabilities in computer systems. While the non-ethical hackeror black hat exploits these vulnerabilities for mischief, personal gain or other reasons, the ethical hacker evaluates them, points them out, and may suggest changes to systems that make them less likely to be penetrated by black hats. White hats can work in a variety of ways. Many companies utilize ethical hacking services from consultants or full-time employees to keep their systems and information as secure as possible.
The work of ethical hacking is still considered hacking because it uses knowledge of computer systems in an attempt to in some way penetrate them or crash them. This work is ethical because it is performed to increase the safety of the computer systems. It’s reasoned that if a white hat can somehow break the security protocols of a system, so can a black hat. Thus, the goal of ethical hacking is to determine how to break in or create mischief with the present programs running, but only at the request of the company that owns the system and specifically to prevent others from attacking it.
People enter the field of ethical hacking in a variety of ways. Many people are very computer savvy and many, but not all, have an educational background in computer science. In some instances, the white hat has gained his or her experience by first being a black hat.
If black hat hacking was at a sufficiently criminal level, the black hat turned white hat may have served jail time before resuming a career in a more productive and positive way as an ethical hacker. The computer world is peopled with former black hats, who now hold ethical hacking jobs. Conversely, some white hats, such as Steve Wozniak, never committed any illegal acts, but simply possess the know-how and skills to analyze problems with any computer system.
With increasing use of the Internet and concerns about its security, especially when it comes to things like consumer information or private medical details, there is considerable need for computer experts to work in ethical hacking. Even sites owned by organizations like the US government have been hacked in the past, and concern about information theft remains incredibly high. Designing impenetrable systems or identifying the current weaknesses of a system are vital parts of keeping the Internet safe and information private, and even with the present legion of ethical hackers that perform this work, there is still more work to do.
Those with interest in the field of ethical hacking often acquire a lot of their skills on their own, and many have particular talent with and affinity for computers. Some knowledge can also be acquired through formal education in computer programmingThis work requires creativity, and the ethical hacker must be able to think outside of the box, coming up with as many possible ways as he or she can derive, a system might be encroached upon by black hats.
For Ethical Hacking Training——-DOCC kolkata, Call 9433526196
Taylor Otwell created Laravel as an attempt to provide a more advanced alternative to the CodeIgniter framework, which did not provide certain features such as built-in support for user authentication and authorization. Laravel’s first beta release was made available on June 9, 2011, followed by the Laravel 1 release later in the same month. Laravel 1 includes built-in support for authentication, localisation, models, views, sessions, routing and other mechanisms, but lacks support forcontrollers that prevents it from being a true MVC framework Laravel strives to make the entire PHP development experience delightful, including your local development environment. Vagrant provides a simple, elegant way to manage and provision Virtual Machines. Laravel Homestead is an official, pre-packaged Vagrant “box” that provides you a wonderful development environment without requiring you to install PHP, HHVM, a web server, and any other server software on your local machine. No more worrying about messing up your operating system! Vagrant boxes are completely disposable. If something goes wrong, you can destroy and re-create the box in minutes! Homestead runs on any Windows, Mac, or Linux system, and includes the Nginx web server, PHP 5.6, MySQL, Postgres, Redis, Memcached, Node, and all of the other goodies you need to develop amazing Laravel applications. DOCC Kolkata, Call: 9433526196, Visit
Web design started as a puzzle box emptied over a table with a lot of elements but no clue of what to do with those icons, boxes, which ones were the better colors to use, where did those icons had to be placed, what were the boxes for. First web designers had no idea about which one was the right way to go, however, things got better so now you can criticize all the effort and won battles during the last 20 years of web design. And well, they were able to design a website, 20 years ago, using only the initial browser experiments and lacking standards, styles, community and the PNG format ; ) (remember that GIF era), so, they deserve a huge and big thanks for bringing this web design . 1996 was the year that defined the beginning of a new era, and for many designers it was also a shameful period. Go no further, the first impression you have in a website might be sore eyes. What’s with the vibrant colors? websites with red, pink or yellow background can’t be watched for too long without compromising your eyes’ health. However, using a white background along with a few links and basic information is the correct way to start your site. Make it simple, there are tons of options besides Times New Roman or Courier New, the default system typos, and regarding color you can opt for more clever palettes instead of the dull black, blue and red interfaces. This stage also means abusive utilization of animated gifs that were supposed to make the website… fun and and interesting?, hehe the GIF era! This was also the era of the ‘Under Construction’ terror. People were not fully aware of how websites worked and therefore there was not a proper construction system established.interesting?, hehe the GIF era! This was also the era of the ‘Under Construction’ terror. People were not fully aware of how websites worked and therefore there was not a proper construction system established. Call  9433526196, Visit for Web Design Training @ DOCC Kolkata.
PHP still remains the language to beat in terms of its popularity and user base. Among all the server scripting  languages PHP is the most popular and its popularity is still growing. PHP is the easiest language to start with PHP is simple to learn compared to other languages like Java or .Net.It’s so easy that even a toddler  thought right can learn PHP coding.You just need proper training  and practice and you can master this language in no time. One of the reason  it  is always recommended to master  PHP is because it is  easier to use. Great community and documentation Head over to PHP Manual and you will be amazed by the excellent documentation.And if you are stuck with anything related to PHP there would be very rare instance when you can’t find your solution online  and that is because of the great community support that PHP enjoys.You don’t have the same kind of community in other languages like Ruby or Java. All modern CMS and Framework are built on PHP. PHP is the base of majority of popular CMS like WordPress, Drupal,Joomla,etc.Some popular e-commerce based CMS like Magento ,Prestashop, OpenCart are also based on PHP. MVC based frameworks like Codeignitor, Laravel,Symfony are also built upon the PHP framework. PHP is Secure One of the complains against PHP is that it is pretty insecure but it is far from truth.PHP is in reality as insecure as any other programming language. Security depends upon the programmer and not the language.PHP also gives all the tools to make your application secure but you have to know to implement them. PHP has all modern features PHP  has all features that every modern language has.It also supports and work well with Javascript,ajax and other languages. If you want to learn Web development very easily then PHP is the language you must seek to master.You can call at 9433526196 and enquire about our PHP Training Batch .